Holiday is coming to the end,time to back to study...feel boring,3weeks ago i felt that holiday is damn long,i had no idea what to do during this "loong" holiday.Day pass a day,time pass time only i realize time was gone in flash.Nothing much i had done for my holiday,playing,eating,sleeping and dreaming.
I remembered that in last semester our lecturer want us to discover about online relationship.It is very objective for every different single human being.Some people might think it is a very common scenario for current society,we have lot Internet friends which we unsure they are reliable,trustworthy or not.For my own opinion,i think internet just like a big of real society,having lot of different types of people,some might just as pure as to get a friend through internet,some might just to flirt around and wish to get accompany or maybe there are some people intent to bluff people in this big virtual world. No matter how we define virtual world we can't escape to be participate in it. I believe that in virtual world will have someone who really treat each other as real friend,having something common to share with.human being relationship are something really strange,even in real world we might can't differentiate who is real or fake,there is no any actual measurement,isn't it?there is no sure thing as attitude ruler to measure a good person or evil,as long as we did our part nicely,who care how others thought about us.
Life may just end tomorrow,brother of my friend just passed away not long ago.It 2nd cases in this year,life seem so fragile,human seem so small.we couldn't change anything,everyone wishing a better tomorrow but how we could make it?we are just too small to be in control our life,we weren't know what tomorrow could bring us and what we could give for tomorrow.When we are fear to step out,we are reluctant to care people around,we being hopeless for who we are now,who else could help beside we own?I'm the person that very greedy,sometime i want more than i can get,i understand the theory but it just too hard for me to apply.Lets cross finger with self,for make a better self,for not live self in regret...start from this moment love people around,show them concern and stay happy.We might can't give other a better tomorrow but before the last breath we make a different for our own,i guess when come to the end of day,our life will be wonderful.